Planetous Guide to Composting
How to choose a Composting Method?
Choosing a composting method is a tough call as it depends on many variables such as type of housing, the space available, type and scraps you generate etc. Its great if you have a backyard, you can easy pile up your compost in layers and cover the pile. If you don’t have enough space for an open pile then you can keep a set of bins, while one stacks up the others cook. If your scrap load is high you will either need to increase the number of bins or will have to accelerate the process by . If the load is less and so is the apartment then we will recommend Bokashi.
Devoting some of our time and energy to compost our wet waste is an investment for our kids’ future. Personaly, we started composting because amidst our busy office schedule it was easier for us to toss out wet waste into compost bin, rather handing it over daily to the garbage collector
Bokashi is a technique of anaerobic composting in which you need a specific bokashi bin with tap and sieve to filter out the compost liquid which can be used as a drain declogger or a liquid fertilizer. If you are ok with rearing worms then a highly efficient method of vermicomposting is recommended. In this method high volume of waste is processed in very small amount of time. Houses with larger families but smaller apartment sizes can go for this method. Above all there is an old easy method of stacking up aerated compost bins one over the other, keeping the one in use on the top. I prefer this method for apartments with small spaces but preference towards aerated process.
Composting is still a backyard or a community process in India. Still, billions of household across the cities handover their bins to municipality vehicles which many times fail to manage the jumbled up garbage tossed into their vans. There is a number of NGO’s working for the cause but we can’t rely on NGO’s or the government to handle our shit.
Devoting some of our time and energy to compost our wet waste is an investment for our kids’ future. Personaly, we started composting because amidst our busy office schedule it was easier for us to toss out wet waste into compost bin, rather handing it over daily to the garbage collector. So, it’s not just a social responsibility it a great way to get away with the waste at all. And there is not better feeling in this lworld then experiencing it all turning into soil.
If you still have some doubt in our mind Contact us or Fill this up and we’ll get back to you.
Compost Guide References:
1. Barbara Pleasant , Deborah L Martin, 2008; The complete compost gardening guide,Storey Publishing; Illustrated edition.