Planetous Guide to Composting

Composting Benefits
This place is quite congested for an extensive topic like discussing the enormous benefits of composting. Therefore we will confine it to the top picks, i.e. the benefits about which people in general will care the most.
The goodness that composting brings to our planet is way more than the harm brought to it by sending the same organic waste to the landfills. Your small act of composting at homes not only converts wet trash into beautiful earthy compost, but it also saves it from rotting amidst hazardous waste in the landfills.
Benifits to Planet
The goodness that composting brings to our planet is no less than the harm brought to it by sending the same organic waste to the landfills. Your small act of composting at homes not only converts wet trash into beautiful earthy compost, but it also saves from rotting amidst hazardous waste in the landfills which leads to emission of green house gases (hence global warming) and poisoning of the land. In fact, composting at homes can reduce transportation cost of waste drastically as it is the heaviest of all the waste generated in our homes.
Benifits to Plants
Hard and stony, sandy, clayey, heavy wet, whatever be your local soil type, compost imparts it fertility, water holding capacity and a fluffy crumbly texture. Not just this compost gives a balanced source of nutrients to any type of soil. No matter how rich soil you are blessed with, soil nutrients get depleted by each growing season passing by. Compost is the best way to replenish those nutrients into the soil.
Further, the microorganisms, enzymes, vitamins and natural antibiotics in compost stimulate plant growth in the most natural way and protect your plants from pathogens. Even the best of organic fertilizers just stimulate plant growth by providing direct nutrients while the compost feeds the soil, making the nutrients bio available to the soil. Mordern day agricultural tecniques are sucking life out of the soil. Consuming whhat we need are returning the excess back to the Nature is one golden rule that can save the face of our planet.

Personal benefits
Although, all the benefits mentioned above are personal benefits to the entire mankind, but let’s uncover some great benefits that compost brings to your lives personally. Firstly, composting frees our home from storing, dumping and transferring wet waste daily. Fresh peels are directly tossed into compost piles sitting in the corner of your balconies/yards.
Ironically, we work tirelessly round the day to feed our loved ones, the best that is available, and often forget that most of food on our expensive platter (even the so called organic labelled veggies) is scarce on the nutrition that it should provide. In such a scenario it’s quite healing to our bodies and our minds to grow at least some of our own food that is not fed with any chemicals. Compost is one simple solution to every balcony, small space terrace garden that can bring loads of nutritious food to your table.
Compost Guide References:
1. Barbara Pleasant , Deborah L Martin, 2008; The complete compost gardening guide,Storey Publishing; Illustrated edition.