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Planetous Guide to Composting


Anaerobic Composting

Small metropolitan apartments often find the task of composting at their homes is quite daunting. However one simple method of anaerobic composting that can make the task easily manageable is, Bokashi. Bokashi method of composting lets all types of kitchen scraps including meats and dairy to be composted in comparatively lesser amount of time then the conventional aerobic method.

Bokashi is a revolutionary chapter in the history of composting and has helped millions of households to compost inside their homes which otherwise was a farfetched idea for small apartments. The method breaks all the shackles that deprived common households from composting by digesting all sorts of organic waste, even meat, dairy and leftovers

How to compost with anaerobic process?
In this method, Waste is left to rot inside an air tight bin that is fitted with a tap and a sieve. As the scrapes rot in the air tight bin, leachate (liquid) is sieved at the bottom and is to be drained out from time to time. Same as the aerobic process, the rotten matter can be left to sit in one bin while the other one is receiving fresh waste. Products of the sitting bin can be emptied after two weeks and buried in a pot or land under the soil. Fresh compost is ready in a month or two.

Bokashi is a revolutionary chapter in the history of composting and has helped millions of households to compost inside their homes which otherwise was a farfetched idea for small apartments. The method breaks all the shackles that deprived common households from composting by digesting all sorts of organic waste, even meat, dairy and leftovers. Besides, its stink free until you open the bin up and the airtight box can be kept anywhere, even inside your house. That means it eliminates the requirement of open space or a balcony all together.

Natural and sustainable water supply far

Bokashi Method
It’s one universal method for all types of homes and spaces as mentioned above. If you don’t want to buy a bokashi bin, just make holes inside a bucket and keep it on a stand inside an airtight box and you DIY bokashi bin is ready to receive scraps. The leachete obtained is highly acidic in nature and can serve as an eco friendly de clogger for drains. It’s a great liquid fertilizer diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10.

Compost Guide References:

1. Barbara Pleasant , Deborah L Martin, 2008; The complete compost gardening guide,Storey Publishing; Illustrated edition.



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